Total immunity for non-deficient dopamine?
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Australian researchers (Ilenia Papa from the Australian National University) have discovered that the immune system is organized much like the brain. Brain cells communicate with each other by means of neurotransmitters, including dopamine.
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter of motivation, initiation of action, decision-making, but also pleasure.
It has been shown that our immune system via specialized T cells, transfer dopamine particles to B cells to motivate them to respond to an infection. As a reminder B lymphocytes have the function of making antibodies; in case of attack by a pathogen, the B cells complete their maturation and multiply to provide a suitable immune response.
Dopamine will be of great help in boosting the action of B cells. When we know that three quarters of the immune system is made in the enteric nervous system, we understand again why our gut is considered our second brain.
This university study confirms the great importance of dopamine and even its determining role in the defense of the body. In broad terms, dopamine would motivate B lymphocytes to work better, to fight more effectively. All this seems very logical because ultimately what activates our dopamine apart from the BN Energy? And all that gives us pleasure, joy, envy, energy.
When you're good in your head, in your belly, in your life, you're less fragile, you have a stronger immune system. We know how important it is to maintain good morale in case of illness, we even say that 50% of a cure is related to the quality of his morale. Properly activating dopamine is one of the keys to good health.
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